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2020 Arms Control Association Annual Meeting

The following message is from the Arms Control Association:

The Board of Directors and staff invite you to join us online for our 2020 Annual Meeting. Our virtual, interactive global gathering of members, friends, colleagues, and policymakers this year will examine the challenges and approaches for steering arms control and disarmament efforts back on course in the coming decade. The online event will take place from 12:30pm to 3:00pm on Tuesday, December 1.

No matter who occupies the White House in 2021, the next U.S. administration and other world leaders will need to move quickly to make decisions on a range of key issues. These decisions and outcomes—and the efforts we make to influence them—will shape the international security landscape for years to come.

Our 2020 Annual Meeting will bring together keynote speakers and expert panelists in virtual plenary sessions and simultaneous, interactive breakout sessions on topics including:

  • "The Future of New START and the U.S.-Russian Nuclear Arms Control," with chief U.S. New START negotiator Rose Gottemoeller

  • "Reviving and Building on the Iran Nuclear Deal"

  • "Strengthening the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty"

  • "How Can We Diversify and Strengthen the Nuclear Disarmament Movement" a plenary discussion with Amb. Bonnie Jenkins, Cecili Thompson-Williams with Beyond the Bomb, Prof. Vincent Intondi, author of African Americans Against the Bomb, and Daryl Kimball, Executive Director, ACA

  • "How Can We Bring Down the Skyrocketing Costs of Nuclear Weapons," with Kingston Reif, ACA Director for Disarmament and Threat Reduction Policy

  • "Options for Engaging Other Nuclear-Armed States in the Disarmament Enterprise," with former acting undersecretary of state and ACA Board Chair Thomas Countryman and Prof. Heather Williams from King's College London

  • "The Impact of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons," with negotiating conference president Amb. Elayne Whyte Gomez

  • Closing address by United Nationsl Undersecretary for Disarmament Affairs, Izumi Nakamitsu

Visit this page for further agenda/speaker updates.

Registration is free of charge, but we invite you to become an event sponsor or join the Arms Control Association as a member to support efforts on these critical issues.


Questions? Contact Tony Fleming, director of communications ( or Rachel Paik (