Current Action Items

We need to build and revitalize a broad and robust Anti-War movement if we want to see policy wins on nuclear weapons. Take action via the policy advocacy opportunities below.


Cancel the Sentinel ICBM

The land-based Sentinel nuclear missiles are slated to replace the Minuteman Missile with an enormous price-tag of $264 billion. This is an offensive waste of resources. Join us in calling for the cancellation of this program.


Tell Congress to pass the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act

No one knows the stakes better than nuclear frontline communities. In spite of bipartisan support, the new and expanded Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, which provides compensation and basic cancer screenings to nuclear-impacted communities is being blocked in the house of representatives. Please join us in demanding that Congress pass RECA!


Protect our remaining Nuclear Arms Treaties

Donald Trump’s decision to “terminate” the INF Treaty with Russia that helped end the Cold War is dangerous and counterproductive. Take action now to save the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START), which caps our two countries strategic nuclear arsenals to no more than 1,550 deployed warheads and 700 bombers and missiles.

New START is scheduled to expire in 2021 unless Trump and Putin agree to extend it by five years. The New START Policy Act of 2018 (S. 3169) calls on the President to extend New START as long as Russia remains in compliance. If we fail to extend New START, an even more dangerous phase in U.S.-Russian relations is just over the horizon.