
Attendees at "WE CAN: Ban the Bomb" say 'Thank You!' to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons for their work to pass the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, and to the 122 countries that voted in favor of the treaty.

Attendees at "WE CAN: Ban the Bomb" say 'Thank You!' to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons for their work to pass the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, and to the 122 countries that voted in favor of the treaty.

Our Accomplishments


Influenced members of Congress to take further action through various activities: 

  • We have held meetings with every WA member of Congress or their staff in 2017 and 2018.

  • In 2017, we held 22 meetings with members of Congress or staff, and have held 24 meetings in 2018 so far (as of Aug 2018).

  • We have generated thousands of constituent contacts (calls, emails, postcards) to our members of Congress, urging them to take specific actions against nuclear weapons.

These efforts have contributed to our members of Congress taking important public stances, including: 

WPSR meets with Rep. DelBene in 2017, with coalition member and constituent Shirley Shimada, coordinator of From Hiroshima to Hope

WPSR meets with Rep. DelBene in 2017, with coalition member and constituent Shirley Shimada, coordinator of From Hiroshima to Hope

  • Representative Heck co-sponsoring the Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act, H.R. 669

  • Senator Cantwell introducing 4 nonproliferation amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act

  • Senators Murray and Cantwell speaking out publicly against the President's 2018 Nuclear Posture Review and low-yield nuclear weapons

  • Representative Smith speaking out against the Nuclear Posture Review, low yield nuclear weapons, and nuclear weapons spending



Passed resolutions throughout WA state: 

(links to resolutions provided where available) 

  1. City of Olympia; Passed August 7th, 2018
    A Resolution in Support of the Elimination of All Nuclear Weapons, and Opposing the First Strike Authority of the President of the United States

  2. City of Spokane; Passed July 30th, 2018
    Nuclear-free community, support Ban Treaty, Hiroshima and Nagasaki Remembrance Day

  3. Washington State Democrats: Two resolutions passed June 16th, 2018
    Restricting First Use

  4. Washington State Democrats; Passed September 10th, 2017
    Restrict First Use of Nuclear Weapons and Require Congressional Approval

  5. Clallam County Democrats; Passed in October, 2017

  6. Jefferson County Democrats; Passed July 25th, 2017
    Restrict First Use of Nuclear Weapons and Require Congressional Approval

  7. Pierce County Democrats; Passed December 14th, 2017

  8. King County Metropolitan Club; Passed November, 2017
    Resolution Against the New Nuclear Arms Race

  9. 37th Legislative District Democrats; Passed October 9th, 2017
    Resolution Against the New Nuclear Arms Race

  10. 32nd District
    Resolution Against the New Nuclear Arms Race

  11. 27th District Democrats; Passed February 26th, 2018

  12. City of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Jefferson County Board of Health, Passed 2019

  13. Skagit County Democrats, No First Use resolution, passed December 2019

  14. 40th Legislative District Democrats, No First Use resolution, passed March 2020


Held three nuclear weapons speaker trainings

  • Public training: August 2017

  • Student training at the University of Washington: May 2018

  • Public training: June 2018 (pictured)

  • Public training June 2019

  • Statewide nuclear weapons trainings summer and fall of 2019

WANW Coalition Nuclear Weapons Speaker Training held at Mount Baker on June 30th, 2018

WANW Coalition Nuclear Weapons Speaker Training held at Mount Baker on June 30th, 2018


Dozens of media pieces published

A few examples: 


Held dozens of educational events and presentations across the state, reaching thousands of individuals.

A few examples: 

WANW Coalition's first meeting with representatives from 17 organizations, October 2016

WANW Coalition's first meeting with representatives from 17 organizations, October 2016